About Water Analysis

The question of whether or not to have your water tested is a serious one that concerns the health of you and your family

Your water should be safe to drink and acceptable for all other household uses

The Only Way to Know is Testing

Water is usually supplied to homes through private well or public water companies. Water supplied by public water companies is usually safe to drink and does not pose a health risk. The quality of the water supplied by these companies is periodically checked. Water supplied by a private source is also usually safe to drink; however, it can be contaminated by harmful bacteria resulting from a number a different reasons. The only way to tell whether the water is potable is to have it tested.

The Need for Private Well Water Testing

Human and animal wastes are a primary source of bacteria in water. These sources of bacterial contamination include runoff from feedlots, pastures, dog runs, and other land areas where animal wastes are deposited. Additional sources include seepage or discharge from septic tanks, sewage treatment facilities, and natural soil/plant bacteria.   Bacteria from these sources can enter wells that are either open at the land surface or do not have water-tight casings or caps.


The total coliform bacteria test is a primary indicator of potability, suitability for consumption, of drinking water. It measures the concentration of total coliform bacteria associated with the possible presence of disease causing organisms.

Our Testing

  • Basic Water Test

    This test for the PRESENTS or ABSENCE of Coliform and E. Coli Bacteria. The presence of Coliform could indicate the presence of other infection disease causing organisms. If Coliform is present, then we look for E. Coli which is a known pathogen. (used for conventional loans)

  • Advanced Water Test

    The Advanced Test also called FHA Water Test because it meets the standard for FHA, VA and USDA backed loans. Testing will include: Total Coliform, Fecal Coliform, Nitrate Nitrogen, Nitrite Nitrogen, Lead, and E. coli. (use for Government backed loans FHA, VA, USDA)

Schedule your Home Inspection

Novy Home Inspections, LLC, Home Inspection Service, Franklinton, NC
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